Perforated floor tiles are specially designed airflow panels or floor grates offering between 22% to 66% open air to improve airflow across any raised access flooring application. Perforated floor tiles are used in any raised floor system utilizing down-flow air including data centers or IT applications, office and school applications, medical and pharma facilities, casinos, control rooms, and 911 centers. Data center perforated floor tiles are essential in regulating airflow distribution. At Pro Access Floors, we have the raised floor airflow solutions and the expertise you need for your business.
How Perforated Raised Floor Tiles Work
Raised floor systems create a usable space between subfloors and surface flooring, allowing companies to better control ventilation, access key systems and perform needed maintenance. Perforated floor tiles in raised floor systems increase the amount of airflow in specific areas to ensure hot and cold spots are minimized and HVAC systems operate efficiently.
For example, perforated tiles in data center applications might be used to direct airflow to high-load server racks and maximize cooling. In medical laboratories, perforated floor tiles can help ensure that all areas of a clean room are continuously maintaining temperatures.
Our Perforated Raised Floor Options
At Pro Access Floors, we offer multiple perforated raised floor tile products to meet your specific needs. Airflow options range from 22% - 35% for standard tiles and 55% to 66% for our high output air grates. All of our perforated tile options are adjustable to work with your existing raised access floor system and meet the highest quality standards to deliver long-term performance.
Standard Perforated Floor Tiles - 22% - 35% Air Flow
Pro Access offer standard perforated raised floor tiles for all of the bolted stringer and stringerless Raised Floor systems. All of the perforated raised floor tiles are available with top surface adjustable dampers and high-pressure laminate and vinyl finishes.
26% Concrete and Hollow Steel Perforated Raised Floor Tiles Information and Panel Views
26% Wood Core Perforated Raised Floor Tiles Information and Panel Views
Universal High Output Air Grate - 55% and 66% Air Flow
The 55% and 66% High Output Air Grates are guaranteed to fit into your existing raised access floor system, regardless of age or manufacturer. What sets these perforated airflow panels apart is their ability to adapt into both wood-core, steel, and concrete raised access floor systems. Corner Leveling Legs are easily installed and adjustable from the bottom of the panel to achieve a perfectly level fit with adjacent floor panels. Z-Plate brackets are also available for all wood-core raised access floor systems.
The Pro Access Floors Advantage
Perforated floor tiles and High Output Air Grates from Pro Access Floors are designed to maximize cooling and HVAC efficiency while addressing all of your raised access floor system airflow requirements. Ready to improve your flooring access and airflow? Contact us today and go with the pros.